Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap, Rumus Serta Contoh Kalimatnya

Dalam english grammer atau tata bahasa inggris kita mengenal yang namanya tenses (kalimat bentuk waktu) dimana antara waktu sekarang, lampau, mendatang, sedang berlangsung mempunyai perbedaan dan tentunya anda harus menguasi bentuk tenses inggris ini.

Tenses adalah bentukan pola kalimat yang terikat dengan waktu seperti waktu sekarang, lampau, future dan past future dimna masing dari itu terbagi lagi. Bagi yang ingin belajar english harus belajar tenses bahasa inggris ini yang merupakan dasar kalimat yang terikat waktu.

Dimana dalam tata bahasa inggris, macam-macam tenses yang diantaranya 16 jenis tenses yang harus anda kuasai dengan rumus yang sangat sederhana yang bisa dengan mudah diikuti.

Tenses dalam bahasa inggris lengkap

Perbedaan mencolok antara tenses inggris diantaranya adalah pemakaian bentuk kata kerja itu sendiri sebagai aturannya selain itu kata ketengan waktu, dan lain sebagainya ikut menyertainya.

Secara sederhana bahwa pembentukan kalimat dalam tenses bahasa inggris adalah S + P + O/Kata sifat/Noun/kata keterangan, dimana predikut itu adalah kata kerja itu sendiri.

Yang tak kalah penting menguasi verb atau kata kerja tak beraturan (iregular verbs) baik V¹, V², V³ yang harus dikuasai karena berbeda dengan kata kerja beraturan (regular verbs) kita hanya perlu menambah -ed setelah kata karja bentuk pertama untuk ke V² dan V³ semisal watch, watched, watched, walk, walked, walked, dll. serta  iregular sendiri seperti get, got, gotten atau lainnya, see saw seen, cling clang clang, dll.

Tenses dalam bahasa inggris lengkap berikut contohnya :

1. Simple Present (Waktu sekarang)
Tenses bahasa inggris pertama yaitu simole present tense merupakan tenses yang dilakukan sekarang atau juga kebiasaan dan kejadian yang selalu terjadi.

Rumus simple present
Positive = S + V¹ + Object
Negatif = S + didn’t + V¹
Introgation = Do + S+ V¹ ?

Contoh :
I go to english course
I don’t go to english course
Do you go to english course?

Pada subjek orang kedua tunggal pada kata kerja ditambah es misal He goes to english school.

2. Present continues tense
Digunakan untuk waktu sekarang berlangsung dan sedang dikerjakan.

Rumus S + To be (am, are, is) + Present participle (V¹ + ing)

Contoh kalimat
I am studying now = Saya sedang belajar sekarang
I am not studying now = Saya tidak sedang belajar sekarang
Am i studying now? = Apakah saya sedang belajar sekarang?

3. Present Perfect Tense (waktu selesai sekarang) 
Kalimat tenses inggris yang digunakan pekerjaan selesai sekarang.

 I/You/We/They + have + (V³) Past participle
He/She/It + has + V³ (Past Participle)
He has taught an english for two years

I/You/We/They + has not + V³
He/She/It + has not + V³
He has not taught an english for two years

Have + S + V³ + O
Has + S + V³ + O
Has he taught an english  for two years?

4. Present perfect continous tense
Menyatakan perbuatan yang dimulai mas lamoau dan masih dikerjakan hingga sampai sekafang.

I/We/You/They + Have + Been + V¹ (resent Participle)
He/she/it + has + been + V¹ (present participle)

She has teaching in the class for a hour.

I/We/You/They + Have + Been + Not + V¹
He/She/It + Has + Been + Not + V¹

She has not teaching in the class for an hour.

Have been + I/we/you/they + V¹
Has been + She/He/It + V¹

Has been she teaching in the class for an hour?

5. Simple Past tense (Bentuk kalimat lampau)
Bentuk kalimat waktu lampau yang di gunakan untuk menceritakan kalimat masa lalu.

Rumus past tense
Positif = S + V² + P + KK
– I worked at office yesterday

Negatif = S + did not + V¹ + O / KK
I did not work office yesterday

Did i work office yesterday?

6. Past continous tense
Kalimat yang digunakan untuk perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung dikerjakan di waktu lampau dan peebuatan lain menyusul.

Rumus Past Continous Tense

I/He/She/It + was + V¹ (present participle)
We/You/They +were + V¹ (present Participle)

We were contacting him yesterday.
While i were typing a letter, he knoked the door.

He/She/It + Was not + V¹ (present participle)
We/You/They + Were nit +V¹ (present participle)

We were not contacting him yesterday
While i were not typing a letter, he did not knocked the door?

Was + He/she/it V¹
Were + I/you/we/they + V¹

Were we contacting him yesterday?
What were am i when he knoked the door?

7. Past Perfect Tense
Menerangkan perbuatan yang telah selesai dikerjakan atau membedakan dua perbuatan mana yang telah selesai dikerjakan.

Had + V3 (Past Participle)

Contoh Kejadian

1) I had played a game
2) She came
I had played a game, she came
Kejadian yang telah terjadi memakai past perfect seperti i had played a game dan kejadian yang lain menyusul yaitu She came dengan menggunakan simple past tense.

Contoh lain, I had tought in the school, she come in.

8. Past Perfect continous
Menyatakan perbuatan yang sudsh dilakukan dan masih berlangsung pada waktu silam.

Had + Been + V1 (Present participle)

Positive : When i had watching TV, she eat.
When she had talking business, i finished launch.
Negatif : When i had not wathing TV, she did not eat.
Interogative : what she do when i had watching TV?

9. Future tense
Simple future tense

I/We + Shall + V¹ (Infinitive)
You/They/He/She/It + Will + V¹ (Infinitive)

A. Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukaan pada masa yang akan datang.
Positive : I will go to Jakartta
He will meet you by seven

Negative : I will not go to Jakarta
He won’t meet you by seven.

Interogative : Will i go to Jakarta?
Will He meet you by seven.

B. Menunjukkan syarat
Positive : They will pay you if you send him good service.
Negative : They will not pay you if you send him good service.

C. Meminta kepada orang untuk melakukan sesuatu
Postive : Will you give me a cup of cofee.
Will you buy us a football tickets.

10. Future Continuous Tense
Biasanya dipakai untuk menunjukkan suatu perbuatan yang akan datang terjadi.
Shall/will + Be + Present Participle

Positive – I shall be buying new smartphone next week
– We will be going travelling to Bali next mont with my friends.

Negative : I shall be not buying new smartphone next week

Interogative : Shall i be buying new smartphone next week.

11. Future perfect tense (waktu selesai akan datang)
Shall/will + have + (v³) Past Participle

Positive : – We will have finished my project by the end next years
– By next week she shall has done her study in university

Negative : We will not have finished my project by the end next years

Interogative : Will we have finished my oroject by the end of next years

12. Future perfect continuous Tense (Waktu sedang berlangsung selesai akan datang)
Shall/will + have + been + (V¹) Present participle

Positive – I will have been doing seo project for 2 years.
– We will have been working at this office for fifteen years.

Negative : I will not have been doing seo project for two years

Interrogative : Will i have been dong seo project for two years.

13. Past Fiture Tense (waktu akan datang lampau) 
Past fiture tense
Rumus :

I/We + Should + Infinitive
You/They/He/She/It + Would +(V¹) Infinitive

– Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu lampau

I should go to United States previous day
We would buy a luxury car the previous week.

– Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan bila syarat ternteu dipenuhi dinwaktu lampau atau masa lalu

We would go if they pay me best.

14. Past future continuous tense
Menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu lampau

I/We Should + Be + Present participle
You/They/He/she/it Would + Be + Present Participle

Positve : I should be doing this seo of my website at this years.

Negative : I shouldn’t be doing this seo of my website at this years

Interrogative : Should i be doing this seo of my website at this years.

15. Past Future Perfect Tense
Menyatakan waktu yang akan sudah selesai pada waktu lampau.
I/We Should + have + Present participle
We/they/he/she/it + have + Past participle

Biasanya dipakai untuk menyatukan dua kalimat pengandaian yang tidak bisa dipenuhi dikarenakan syarat tertentu.


Positive : He would have finished the project if he had done hard.

Negative : He wouldn’t have finished the project if he hadn’t done hard.

Interogative : Would he have finished the project if he had done hard?

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Waktu yang akan datang sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau.

I/We should + have + been + past participle
You/They/He/She/It would +have + Been + Present participle

Positive : By this end od the year, She should have been studying at Colombo university.

Negative : By this end of the years, she shouldn’t have been studying at Colombo University.

Interogative : Should she have been studying at colombi university by this end of the years.

Demikian tenses dalam bahasa inggris  lengkap serta contohnya dan artinya dari omevan.

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